Legacy, Leeds Museum

A couple of weeks ago I went to install my Legacy Project at Leeds Museum, Millennium Square (Community Corridor, first floor). Here are some photographs of the install.

The project is about people who take part in sport and is set to coincide with the Rio Olympics, this photographic project is about Olympic Sports and I set out to investigate the legacy that the 2012 London Games has left. It has taken me about eighteen months to complete and has been a great deal of hard work. Taking the photographs is the easy part, it is the contacting and making links with clubs and individuals that is the hard part. I am extremely grateful to the people who helped me to produce the work by agreeing to participate or point me in the right direction.

The exhibition is a collection of seventeen A1 Prints. I shot the images in digital using a Phase 1 and Fuji X-Pro1.

I am going to be at the space to meet with anyone who is interested in chatting about the project on Sunday the 26th of June from 2pm until 4pm, feel free to come along and see the work and say hello. The exhibition is on until August.

Apologise for the quality of these images, I shot these on my phone…

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